Friday, February 8, 2008

Salat ul-Jumuah
Friday, February 8,Khateeb: Br. Ashraf Ali
Location: JC 3rd floor Meeting Room G
Jummah locations are up on the website, you can check them anytime!
Upcoming events:
Trapped - Friday, February
By Saad Tasleem
After Isha (7:30pm)
Dar-us-Salaam - website
5301 Edgewood Road,
College Park, MD 20740
Fundraising for Afghan Refugees Expelled from Iran
Because They are Us, We are Them
Saturday, February 9 ~
5:30PM - 9:30pm
Mustafa Center
6844 Braddock Rd
Annandale, VA
Awaken the Soul: Tafseer Juz 'Amma
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 (first class)
Taught by Br. Suleiman Jalloh.
Class will be weekly from 7 to 8pm.
Check the MSA website for Class Locations.
Roots of Islam: From Africa to America
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Speaker: Imam Johari AbdulMalik
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Student Union Building 2 (SUB 2)
RSVP the facebook
Inter MSA Meet @
Virginia Tech
Saturday, February 23, 2008 ~ 11am - 6pm
A fun-filled weekend, with activities, discussions, basketball tournament, and
talent show.
Hosted by Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
Tae Kwon Do
Every Sunday starting March 2nd at 12:30pm
Instructor is a third degree black belt and certified to teach
Lead by Example Tea Kwon Do
11226 Waples Mill Rd
Fairfax, VA 22030
Please contact Br. Mohammed Dajani - 703.629.9077